Monday, May 23, 2011

Windows 7 System Diagnostic Report

You can run the Windows 7 System Diagnostic Report from the Advanced Tools section of the Performance Information and Tools app in the Control Panel.

You can also run it by typing the following command in the Start menu’s Search box.

perfmon /report

Then press the Enter key.

Respond to UAC - are you sure you want to run prompts.

Within System Diagnostic you will be prompted that the System Diagnostics report will be collecting data for 60 seconds - during this time - launch the program, process, or hardware that causes errors / crashes, so System Diagnostics will include your error messages and information or errors that may be helpful in searching out the source and solution of the problem.

When the report is complete, the results appear in the Resource and Performance Monitor window.

The links in the related area often do not work, but the results in the Symptom link section often has good information that can be helpful information for you to search out solutions on the Internet.