Friday, May 24, 2013

How to delete your temporary files on your Windows computer.

How to delete your temporary files on your Windows computer.

Your computer will gather temporary files from normal computer use. Microsoft Word will put some of these files on your computer for the program to work as intended, as will Internet Explorer, other  browsers and other programs.

If you allow these files to build up it will slow your computer down.

I have listed below instructions on how to delete these files.

Alternately, you may want to download CCleaner, a program that will delete these files from your computer by running the application.
Do an Internet Search for CCleaner, download from, or other website that you (somewhat) trust.

This will work for Windows 10, 7, Vista and Windows XP

From your Windows desktop:

1 Click your Start menu
2 In Windows 7 (and Vista), key in "cmd", in the search pane just above the round Start menu, and hit your "Enter" key.

In Windows XP, click Start > click "Run", then
key in "cmd" without the quotes, click "OK", or press you
"Enter" key.

Once you are in the "command" screen (or window), 

key in the following:

c:\ del *.tmp /s 

Then hit your "Enter" key

Also Delete everything out of 


Note: you may receive errors on some files as Windows may currently be using them.
This is normal, not all files will be deleted.