Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Song Cover - "I will Praise You in This Storm" - by Casting Crowns - sang by RonMac

Song Cover - "I will Praise You in This Storm" by Casting Crowns. Performed by RonMac - to the Glory of God!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Creating a new Admin account on Mac OS X without an OS X CD.

Creating a new Admin account on Mac OS X without an OS X CD.
This walk through works for OS 10.6 - older OS X versions will vary.

Apple does not provide this information, you have to scour the Internet to find various instructions in forums.
Some forums have people posting that you can delete your old user profile, after creating your new one, since you don't have access to it.

THAT is incorrect, just reset your password as the instructions below explains
and you can access your old applications, documents and files!

If you forget your Mac admin password, or if you were not the original owner of your Mac,
and you upgrade to a new version of Mac OS X (This happened to me) - Lion in my case, you may lose your old password.

You will need to enter terminal and create a new admin account by following the directions below:

1. Turn on or reboot your computer.
2. Hold apple key + s key down after you hear the chime. (command + s on newer Macs)
3. When you get to the terminal prompt enter in the commands below to create a new admin account. (hitting return after each line):

mount -uw /
rm /var/db/.AppleSetupDone
shutdown -h now

4. After rebooting you will have a new admin account.
You will be prompted to create a new password for your new admin user account.
Create password and login.
Once you login, you will not see your old documents and applications.

5. To regain your old apps and documents, files etc, you will need to go to:
Apple Menu / System Preferences, and open Users and Groups prefs.

6. Click the lock to make changes, then click your old username and click "Change Password".
Enter your Current password (That you just created), then enter your new password
(that you are now creating), confirm password.
You can edit the password hint here also, mine had a previous user's hint that meant nothing to me.

7. Reboot or switch users, log in with your old account and the newly created password.

8. You now have access to your old files!

Monday, June 13, 2011

2X - Virtual Application Management now beta for Android

2X - The Virtual Server Application Management software company now has
Mobile Device Management for Androids available (currently in Beta).

Allows businesses to keep up with your Android user's using 2X Mobile Management Tools.

Device Tracking

Simple, precise tracking of all connected mobile devices using Google Maps. You will be able to monitor the position and status of every device in real time.

Manage Applications

Group based management of native Android Apps.

Send Messages

Send messages from the web interface to devices, users or groups. Monitor the delivery/read status of every message and save replies.

User Authentication
Different authentication options available including IMAP and AD.

Secure Connections

All communications between the server and mobile devices are handled over secure SSL connections.

Auditing Tools

Multiple administrators are able to manage devices - manage logs are kept.

More management features coming soon.

Find out more at:

2X, like Citrix Management, allows Terminal server access via the 2X client application.

2X application clients are also available for iPhones and Androids - access your Terminal servers through your phone or tablet.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Windows 7 System Diagnostic Report

You can run the Windows 7 System Diagnostic Report from the Advanced Tools section of the Performance Information and Tools app in the Control Panel.

You can also run it by typing the following command in the Start menu’s Search box.

perfmon /report

Then press the Enter key.

Respond to UAC - are you sure you want to run prompts.

Within System Diagnostic you will be prompted that the System Diagnostics report will be collecting data for 60 seconds - during this time - launch the program, process, or hardware that causes errors / crashes, so System Diagnostics will include your error messages and information or errors that may be helpful in searching out the source and solution of the problem.

When the report is complete, the results appear in the Resource and Performance Monitor window.

The links in the related area often do not work, but the results in the Symptom link section often has good information that can be helpful information for you to search out solutions on the Internet.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Problems connecting to Remote Desktop

Problems connecting to a Windows terminal server 2008 Remote Desktop

This computer cannot connect to the remote computer. Remote desktop disconnected.

1) Make sure the computer is connected to the Internet
2) Check you Firewall for any changes.

This is usually a Firewall issue - If your AntiVirus / Firewall Program needs updating and you cannot configure your Firewall, you will need to update your AV / Network Security program subscription in order to enable changing the settings, or install a different Antivirus / Network Security program.

For more information about Remote Desktop Sessions on Windows Server 2008 go to
this Microsoft website

Friday, April 15, 2011

Enable audio redirection on Windows Terminal Server 2008

How to install an audio device in WS2008 running in Hyper-V when you see an X at the bottom of the desktop, and when clicking on the icon you are prompted that no sound devices are installed.

Enable audio redirection on RDP-Tcp properties:

1. Open Control Panel\Administrative Tools\Terminal Services;
2. Open Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration:
3. Right-click on RDP-Tcp and open it's properties:
4. Click on the client settings tab:
5. Uncheck "Audio and video playback" on Redirection disable group.
6. Click "OK".
7. Reboot the terminal server.

Friday, April 8, 2011

BlackBerry Activation Troubleshooting

I had much of the info below, but not all of it and as concisely as below.
EA = Enterprise Activation
EA is only accessible if your administrator has provided an E-Mail account on an Exchange Server (Possibly other servers but largely Exchange) AND - You have BES (BlackBerry Enterprise Server) activated from your carrier - which you must pay an extra fee for that service.

I copied the following from the following forum post:


Re: Cannot activate new user - stuck on 'initializing'

The basic EA troubleshooting would involve a couple of check points.

1. Add user to BlackBerry Manager

- Check in the application log (hit F5 or Refresh if required) to see messages like
"User Added to BES" (successfully added user to BlackBerry Enterprise Server and will monitor users mailbox)
"1 user failed to initialize"
(you will be unable to activate that user if this message shows up)

- This ensures proper permissions set for EA to complete and the mailbox advise session is established

2. Check user is in sufficient wireless coverage

- Due to different "Themes" developed for BlackBerry devices, reading the number of Bars available is sometimes not accurate, check the "Options - Status" menu for signal strength, anything below

-90dbm (by this I mean -99dbm is worse signal strength as compared to -90dbm) can cause issues during Enterprise Activation

3. Check for the ETP.dat message in users inbox (if it's arriving there is it being modified by a spam filter/AVirus software)

- If that etp.dat message is not arriving, as recommended above in the thread, try and activating with a hotmail/google mail/yahoo email address to check if the etp.dat email arrives into those email

- This step ensures device provisioning from your wireless carrier and sufficient wireless coverage at least to start the EA
(if signal strength fluctuates and constantly drops during EA, the
process will stop at different points)

4. Assuming the above 3 criterion are met, I would recommend right clicking choosing "Reload User", which forces a mailbox rescan for the user, during which the etp.dat message should be picked up
to kick start the EA process

5. If the etp.dat email message is sitting in the mailbox and not being picked up, it would be BlackBerry Enterprise Server related

6. If this message never ends up in the mailbox, it could be either due to provisioning or being blocked/lost in transition which would have nothing to do with the BlackBerry Enterprise Server

7. One of the other troubleshooting steps performed from an administrators end to verify if the etp.dat email message is actually arriving and being picked up is as follows
- Remove User from BlackBerry Manager
- Ask user to activate from BlackBerry device with their email address and a simple password eg: 'a'
- Wait for the etp.dat to arrive in their mailbox, since the user does not exist on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server there is no reason this email should not be in the "Inbox"
- Please ensure this email does not end up in a different folder like "Junk Mail" since the email header at this point is already modified by your mail/spam filters for BlackBerry Server to

realize this is the activation email

- If the message arrives, at this point you can go ahead and add the user to the BlackBerry Manager, set their EA password to what they used to start EA from their device, in this case lower case

'a' was our example, and the etp.dat message should be picked up (assuming permissions are set properly please refer to step 1 to verify you see a response in the application log after adding user
to BlackBerry Manager)

A quick search in our knowledge base:

Keyword: Enterprise Activation

Will yield some very useful articles for you to comprise your own checklist for smooth and successful Enterprise Activation
Message Edited by Beholder on 04-22-2009 10:57 AM

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011

Moving your iTunes music from a PC to a Mac

Moving your iTunes music from a PC to a Mac


Posted by: llarrea

Latest iTunes Software and iPod" (or iPhone) "update"
My iTunes music was on a removable USB 250GB drive

1. Copied iTunes Library.itl, iTunes Music Library.xml and iPod Games Library from MyDocuments\My Music\iTunes to username\Music\iTunes on my Mac
2. Removed the .itl extension from the iTunes Library file
3. At this point you have two options (either leave the music on the removable drive or move it to a folder in the new Mac) I decided to move it to a folder on my new iMac
4. Open iTunes
5. iTunes should open and you should be seeing your library, but with all the songs with the ! sign next to them. This means that iTunes cannot find those songs in the folder they are supposed to be (your PC's path were they were before you moved them). So you need to go to iPod Preferences and under the Advance tab modified the Library location so that it points to the folder where you placed the files on your Mac
6. iTunes will now show a "Updating Library" message while it looks for and finds all your music in it's new folder

At this point I was wondering how should I move my games or if the where already moved along with my music. I looked for answers but found none, so I went ahead and plugged my iPod to my Mac

To my surprise, iTunes gave me a message indicating that there were purchased songs on my iPod that were not on my Library and asked me if I wanted to copy them to my iMac. I replied Yes and everything worked OK: music and games...

Before you try the steps above, you may want to make sure you have your music organized as the site below suggests.

My First Mac - dot come - article

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Windows 7 and Server 2008 fatal error installing SP1

Stephen K.

If you get a fatal error during the boot up after an SP1 update try the following. Took me forever to get this to work… Probably should save this, and Ron you can put it on your blog :) = [Done :)]

This method works without Safe Mode, without backups, without System Restore, without DISM, and without a Windows 7 DVD repair disc.

01. Reboot your computer while it’s starting up.
02. When your computer starts up again, choose the option “Launch Startup Repair”
–> PIC:
03. When the Startup repair starts, click cancel.
04. After you click cancel it will show a box. Click “Don’t Send”
–> PIC:
05. Click the link “View advanced options for recovery and support”
06. In the new window click Command Prompt at the bottom.
–> PIC:
07. In Command Prompt type this and press enter: %windir%\system32\notepad.exe
08. Notepad will open. In notepad go to File–>Open.
09. Change the type of files notepad views from .txt to All Files (see pic)
–> PIC:
10. Now in Notepad, go to C:\Windows\winsxs\ (or whichever drive Windows is installed on)
11. In that folder, find pending.xml and make a copy of it
12. Now open the original pending.xml (it will load really slow because the file is huge)
13. Press CNTRL+F and search for the following exactly: 0000000000000000.cdf-ms
14. Delete the following text (yours will be a little different):

–> PIC:
Your PC might not have all 3 sections of code (, , ). Just make sure you delete section “Checkpoint” and whatever other sections have “000000000000000.cdf-ms”. They will be right next to eachother.
15. Save the file, close notepad, close command prompt, restart your computer.
Once your computer starts up, do a normal startup (it may stall for 5-10 minutes at the “starting windows” screen, but leave it going) and the Service Pack will install some more stuff and restart a few times and then everything should be working! For some people, it reverts everything and cancels the service pack installation. For other people, the service pack installation completes. Either result is fine.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Limit E-Mail message size - per E-Mail - Exchange 2010

For Exchange Administrators or those who have access to their Exchange server with Administrator Permissions:

Set Global E-Mail size (per E-Mail not Mailbox size limit) by going to:

Microsoft Exchange > Organizational Configuration > Hub Transport > Global Settings > Transport Settings > Properties

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Firefox BookMarks- Backup and Restore

I recently lost my bookmarks for Firefox fortunately they are easy to restore.
You may want to back them up and save on a CD, DVD thumbdrive, other computer etc.

Firefox automatically backs up your Bookmarks but you can back them up manually to wherever you want on your computer by going to:

Bookmarks > Organize Bookmarks > Import & Backup - and choose Backup.
Browse to your documents or wherever you would like them to be backed up.

To restore them, go through the same procedure but instead of selecting backup, choose
restore, and select the date you want them restored from.

Firefox saves the file as a .json file which is the default format that Firefox uses.
You can also export them as HTML which will allow you to import them into another browser, also usable through Firefox if you prefer.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Outlook Error: Cannot start Microsoft Office Outlook. Cannot open the Outlook window.

Outlook Error: Cannot start Microsoft Office Outlook. Cannot open the Outlook window.

Try the following:

Start >run: key in the following: "Outlook.exe /resetnavpane"

That should fix it, unless your administrator moved your account to a new server. But that would be rare.

rare, makes me think of steak, but I like mine between only slightly rare to well done - but not burnt - but I will take a burnt one if you are grilling!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Disable Java Update - Windows - Windows Servers

Disable Java Update on all systems, create the following registry key:



Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Virtuozzo - Change Mac Address - update license - Print IT

Changing a license for your program to match your MAC address that the license was purchased for when the vendor will not help you unless you buy product support AND upgrade your software.

Hey, this is a Network MAC, don't forget to make sure people log off the server.

On the Virtuozzo server, from a command line enter the command below and your Virtual Environment's ID (VEID):

example: vzctl set VEID --mac 00-AA-BB-CC-DD-EE --save

If your ID for VPS-XXX is 1300 (Enter the actual VPS ID) as in example below:
vzctl set 1300 --mac 00-AA-BB-CC-DD-EE --save

Then go to your program, let's say PrintIT, and enter the current MAC address and your current license #.

License Key (examples only - they do not reflect the actual licenses or MAC addresses):


VMAC Address

On the Windows Interface (not on the Virtuozzo host) - Go to Control Panel - Prov Net > On the License tab, enter your current MAC and License created especially for that MAC address.

Click OK, you are done.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

WIndows User Profile corruption - Windows 2008 Server, Vista, Windows 7

Windows 2008 user profile got corrupted by perhaps a network problem or unplanned server reboot.

The issue can happen on Vista and Windows 7 as well, you can find the same registry "profilelist" file structure.

When the user attempted to login he was prompted that the profile was bad - the server was inaccessible to his account.
The profile list is in the following location:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\

The issue is that there are two SID files of the same name.
One with a .bak extension and one without.

The one without the extension, pointed to:
The .bak SID, pointed to the original user profile, example below:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\S-1-x-xx-xxxxxx...-xxx.bak

The temp profile only had 3 keys as opposed to the 7 keys the former profile had - and still has after removing the .bak extension.
* The final step is to change the state property of the SID set to Zero.

This can happen on Vista and Windows 7 as well!

You can prevent your computer from being inaccessible by creating a second user on the computer in Control Panel > Users, so that you can log in with a good user profile, then edit the other profile.
The issue is rare, and you may never need it - good prevention on the outside chance that you run into this issue.